This one feels as though he's been brought to his knees, and yet remains distinctly majestic. Is that possible anywhere else but nature?
I think this is the treasure tree. Somewhere out there is a map that has this tree marked upon it. It has an 'X' for marking the spot, and that's definitely an arrow lower down, so somewhere off to the right, is buried the loot. For sure.
Does anyone have a spade?So, is a wooden horseshoe as lucky as one that actually has graced the hoof of a horse? What is it about the horseshoe that makes it lucky? I should like to know!
Check out the local wildlife! It's cool huh?
Look at the snail trail!
Last but not least, arriving home, pink faced and windswept and happy to see the lovely weeping willows that have made their home along the side of the village beck.
As an aside, I had a super time at the gig of the band below, as always. The pub was packed to bursting but so very friendly. At one point in the evening a chap dropped onto the bench next to me, turned and said "Is it always this good in here?" And you know, yes, yes it is. Whilst it's a very popular pub, it also feels a little like a well-kept secret. It's the venue of my music quiz, which is legendary, there's also jamming sessions every Sunday, and general quizzes, it's just a great place to chill out and chat. I'm starting to feel a need for a pineapple juice and lemonade, although when the barmaid knows that to be your drink of choice you may need to question the frequency with which you frequent the establishment!
Lovely pics, what a beautiful place to live!
Wonderful photos and that looks like an excellent walk. Lovely.
Ha... it's almost like you've never seen it. Or as if you don't live here too!
Carrie: It really is gorgeous, I feel really lucky sometimes that I live so close to nature. Although that makes me sound like a cave-dwelling hermit. ;)
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