On Sunday I wore flip-flops, without the risk of frostbite. No mean feat. This is a great achievement. In England anyway.
I love this, it just feels so good to know that soon you won't want to be wearing coats, that a t-shirt will suffice. Heaven.
The sun and I don't really see eye to eye. I like to enjoy its presence, it likes to enjoy turning me various shades of scarlet - always managing to time it when I've forgotten sun cream or finding the exact spot I missed with the sun cream.
And, during summer, one should should always avoid having a parting in the hair - this is an open invitation to have your scalp scalded. But you will forget this until you brush your hair and alert the surrounding neighbourhood to the aforementioned burn with you wails of agony. Oh the fun.
The other milestone that tells me that Spring has sprung would be the corpses on the path. I don't look forward to the naked dead baby birds as much as I do the flip flops. Whilst walking on Sunday I thought I had managed to avoid this particular milestone, but no. The pink misshapen bubble gum on the path, was unfortunately not bubble gum, but fortunately unchewed, yet still distinctly unpleasant.
On Saturday night I went off to a party with Gary, he'd informed me that it was a fancy dress party, but I was a little without any sort of costume, having to resort to a bit of denim and a bright pink stetson. Gary has the photo of said outfit so sadly (ha!) I can't share it with you. However, I do have a photo of the cowboy outfit we managed to throw together in about an hour of shopping. Impressive, non?
A super checked shirt - charity shop bargain.
Bandanna - vintage clothing store.
Leather waistcoat - vintage clothing store.
String tie - party store.
Six-shooter - different party store.
Hat - mine, with some funky stitching it made a good little hat as the shops were sadly lacking anything big enough to fit a normal head.
Jeans - cowboys own.
We were a little hungry as we headed home and decided that it was essential to visit Chez's for Chips, Cheese & Mayo. Sadly Chez is no longer present, and has been replaced by someone inferior.
His name wasn't Chez, the place was called Chez Radwan and in a drunken state it was easier to call it Chez's.
It was always an experience, you'd concentrate on issuing your order to Chez and then he would literally bellow your order to the minions at the back. The night always resounded to the tune of "CHIPS! CHEESE! MAYO!" Never had that? Don't knock it till you've tried it!
Anyway, the chips, cheese & mayo wasn't as good as Chez's.
Chez always had proper Hellman's damn it.
Anyway, some youngster in the inferior chip shop asked if we were in fancy dress. I ask you. She said she was worried about offending us in case we always dressed that way. Crap, I knew I looked bonkers most of the time, but now I look like I dress like a cowgirl 24/7. Excellent.
She asks to try on Gary's hat. She borrows the gun.
Only she borrows them permanently. Little bitch ran off with both. That was my hat! Oh well. I still have the pink stetson, which rocks. And a gentleman earlier in the evening informed me it was sexy. Oh yes. I'm a sexy cowgirl. Ha!
Oh wait, I do have a blurry pic. Don't get excited now.
If I'd had longer to prepare, I'd much prefer to have been a Saloon lady. I have a fascinator and corset and everything. Apart from those boots. I must have those boots.
As an aside, I'm really pleased Gary and I got the genuine information about what the fancy dress theme and that I wasn't one of the two that turned up as Spartacus and his wife. Oh and their child was in a toga too. That's just mean I tell you. And yet absolutely hilarious for the rest of us. I must get photographs from Gary.
This will be a several one liners I think.
I know many a crazy woman who wears flip flops no matter the weather, even snow!!
I am sure there are other things that will make you go various shades of scarlet!!! ;op
An hour of shopping and a very impressive haul of fancy dress goodies, I am very impressed. Although, I have to say some Chaps would have been fun too lol
There are people in the world who do wear cowboy outfits daily, and line dance everywhere they go, maybe a new career direction?
Any child that asks to try on your cowboy hat, is clearly a bandit and will run quickly. Although I was disappointed that you did not raise a posse i the chip shop to get her, and bring her back and lynch her.
A sexy cow girl, you always are sexy ;op
You do go to the best parties by the sounds of it
I cannot get my head round wearing flip flops 365. That's madness I tell you, and on top of that, where is the sense of anticipation about getting to wear them again!
Yes, it is easy to make me go scarlet.. without resorting to dye on my follicles.
I think he should have had chaps.
Although, you should have seen the guy who had trousers that doubled as a horse. Yeah, I need to post a pic of that.
She wasn't a child, well, she was legally an adult at least! Old enough to be a little drunk and definitely disorderly in her thieving ways!
Oh and not always. I have flannelette pyjamas. Not sexy.
I didn't even know anyone at the party! I just tagged along. All in the search for adventure.
flannelette pyjamas, grrrrrrrrr
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