Monday 3 March 2008

A Gap In The Market

I'm not sure if I've said this before, but anyway...
I woke up on Saturday morning feeling like crap. A melee of frogs in my throat and my trademark sea lion cough. I also felt a little like my head might be about to catch fire. All in all, it was just splendid.

I did the chores I had to do for that day and then went home and curled up on my sofa. Once again I realised there is a huge gap in the market. You can ring for pizza, you can ring for a taxi, but what you can't call for is someone to come and make you a hot chocolate. What the world needs is an on demand butler service.

When you're sick you can call a number and a nice gentleman will come and bring you chocolate, both solid and in a cup. Then he'll go and run you a bath, put in some of your favourite bubble bath, light the candles, turn down the corner of your duvet and possibly even put a hot water bottle down at the end of the bed so when you climb in, your feet are toasty warm. He'll even ensure that a CD of your favourite relaxing music is playing too, or maybe just make sure that you're set up with a good DVD so that you don't have to make the crawl to the DVD player.
It would be worth any price.


alfa female said...

as long as he doesn't expect sex and a cooked breakfast.....

Flibbertigibbet said...

Hell no, that's the bonus with having paid purely for butler services. You can shoo him away with no ill feeling or denting any fragile male ego.
But even better than that.. as you'll be paying him, he'll actually give a shit in the first place!